Virginia Basins 6-digit (0)
Virginia Subbasins 8-digit (1)
Virginia Subwatersheds 12-digit (2)
States (3)
| States |
Counties (4)
| Counties |
NHD 35ft Riparian Bufer (5)
| Riparian Buffer 35ft |
NHD 50ft Riparian Buffer (6)
| Riparian Buffer 50ft |
NHD 100ft Riparian Buffer (7)
| Riparian Buffer 100ft |
NHD 200ft Riparian Buffer (8)
| Riparian Buffer 200ft |
SSURGO Slope Gradient (9)
| 0.000000 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 40.000000 |
| 40.000001 - 60.000000 |
| 60.000001 - 80.000000 |
| 80.000001 - 100.000000 |
SSURGO Capability Class (10)
| Moderate limitations |
| Not erosion, but other limitations |
| Recreation, wildlife, water supply |
| Severe limitations |
| Severe limitations, unsuitable for cultivation |
| Slight limitations |
| Very severe limitations |
| Very severe limitations, unsuitable for cultivation |
SSURGO Farmland Class (11)
| All areas are prime farmland |
| Farmland of statewide importance |
| Not prime farmland |
| Prime farmland if drained |
| Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season |
| Prime farmland if irrigated |
| Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season |
Open Lands (12)
| Open Lands |
State Forests (13)
| State Forests |
National Forests (14)
| National Forests |
Conserved Land Easements (15)
| Conserved Land Easements |
Forest Legacy Areas (16)
| Forest Legacy Areas |
Forest Cover - Low Resolution (17)
| Forest Cover |
Forest Cover - Medium Resolution (18)
| Forest Cover |
Forest Cover - High Resolution (19)
| Forest Cover |
Forest Conservation Value (20)
NLCD 2011 Land Cover (21)
| Open Water |
| Developed, Open Space |
| Developed, Low Intensity |
| Developed, Medium Intensity |
| Developed, High Intensity |
| Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) |
| Deciduous Forest |
| Evergreen Forest |
| Mixed Forest |
| Shrub/Scrub |
| Grassland/Herbaceous |
| Pasture/Hay |
| Cultivated Crops |
| Woody Wetlands |
| Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands |