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Legend (inforest/InForest2_wkid10200)

Virginia Basins 6-digit (0)
Virginia Subbasins 8-digit (1)
Virginia Subwatersheds 12-digit (2)
States (3)
States States
Counties (4)
Counties Counties
NHD 35ft Riparian Bufer (5)
Riparian Buffer 35ft Riparian Buffer 35ft
NHD 50ft Riparian Buffer (6)
Riparian Buffer 50ft Riparian Buffer 50ft
NHD 100ft Riparian Buffer (7)
Riparian Buffer 100ft Riparian Buffer 100ft
NHD 200ft Riparian Buffer (8)
Riparian Buffer 200ft Riparian Buffer 200ft
SSURGO Slope Gradient (9)
0.000000 - 20.000000 0.000000 - 20.000000
20.000001 - 40.000000 20.000001 - 40.000000
40.000001 - 60.000000 40.000001 - 60.000000
60.000001 - 80.000000 60.000001 - 80.000000
80.000001 - 100.000000 80.000001 - 100.000000
SSURGO Capability Class (10)
Moderate limitations Moderate limitations
Not erosion, but other limitations Not erosion, but other limitations
Recreation, wildlife, water supply Recreation, wildlife, water supply
Severe limitations Severe limitations
Severe limitations, unsuitable for cultivation Severe limitations, unsuitable for cultivation
Slight limitations Slight limitations
Very severe limitations Very severe limitations
Very severe limitations, unsuitable for cultivation Very severe limitations, unsuitable for cultivation
SSURGO Farmland Class (11)
All areas are prime farmland All areas are prime farmland
Farmland of statewide importance Farmland of statewide importance
Not prime farmland Not prime farmland
Prime farmland if drained Prime farmland if drained
Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season
Prime farmland if irrigated Prime farmland if irrigated
Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season
Open Lands (12)
Open Lands Open Lands
State Forests (13)
State Forests State Forests
National Forests (14)
National Forests National Forests
Conserved Land Easements (15)
Conserved Land Easements Conserved Land Easements
Forest Legacy Areas (16)
Forest Legacy Areas Forest Legacy Areas
Forest Cover - Low Resolution (17)
Forest Cover Forest Cover
Forest Cover - Medium Resolution (18)
Forest Cover Forest Cover
Forest Cover - High Resolution (19)
Forest Cover Forest Cover
Forest Conservation Value (20)
1-Low 1-Low
2 2
3 3
4 4
5- High 5- High
NLCD 2011 Land Cover (21)
Open Water Open Water
Developed, Open Space Developed, Open Space
Developed, Low Intensity Developed, Low Intensity
Developed, Medium Intensity Developed, Medium Intensity
Developed, High Intensity Developed, High Intensity
Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay)
Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest
Evergreen Forest Evergreen Forest
Mixed Forest Mixed Forest
Shrub/Scrub Shrub/Scrub
Grassland/Herbaceous Grassland/Herbaceous
Pasture/Hay Pasture/Hay
Cultivated Crops Cultivated Crops
Woody Wetlands Woody Wetlands
Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands