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snippet: Created new SDE feature classes with the _Field_Maps suffix containing only the core fields, deleted the SDE auto-generated ones, and recreated Global IDs and Editor Tracking. The field "gdb_archive_oid" was the problem with Parking Spaces, a likely orphaned holdover from when somebody tried to set up archival versioning. I Created a Child Version "ParkingVerification2023", and a user "parking2023" that can ONLY edit these 3 layers. Published as a feature Service to be used in a Web Map for Field Maps.
summary: Created new SDE feature classes with the _Field_Maps suffix containing only the core fields, deleted the SDE auto-generated ones, and recreated Global IDs and Editor Tracking. The field "gdb_archive_oid" was the problem with Parking Spaces, a likely orphaned holdover from when somebody tried to set up archival versioning. I Created a Child Version "ParkingVerification2023", and a user "parking2023" that can ONLY edit these 3 layers. Published as a feature Service to be used in a Web Map for Field Maps.
extent: [[-80.5869046569637,37.1963663484629],[-80.4043763343491,37.2333213248183]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: ParkingVerificationv6
type: Map Service
tags: ["parking"]
culture: en-US
name: ParkingVerificationv6
guid: 970F0CB3-1D75-468E-9AD1-C91AFB67968E
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Virginia_South_FIPS_4502_Feet